Monday, September 12, 2011

My List of Least Favourite Gym Members

My List of Least Favourite Gym Members
I was gym member for 3-years and decided to go back to my home gym partly due to the fact that the gym is usually crowded with people I hate dealing with, and the overall price of a year membership in my town is close to $600. Heres my list of the people I hated dealing with in the gym.
1.The Tough Guy: This guy doesnt like people in his space, he doesnt like people near him, or breathing his air. He usually offers dirty looks and heavy grunting, as well as pointing and laughing with his bully friends. And god help you if you happen to bump into him by accident.2.The Weight Slammer: This guy slams weights together when doing presses, lets weights drop when using machines, and throws weights to the ground when hes finished with them. Not only is this loud and obnoxious, but its gepletely disrespectful to the gym owner and its members.3.The Radio Turner-Upper: Usually a group of 3 or more, these guys gee into the gym and turn the radio up as loud as possible. Because theres 3 of them nobody ever speaks up, but this really got my goat. These guys think theyre hardcore because they turn up the music, but theyre just idiots.4.The Grunter: Another reason I left the gym, Im a grunter, and its embarrassing, I cant help it, I just do it. When in the gym, try to keep your grunting in check.5.The Lazy Friend: This guy oh man Ive had a few. This guy gees into the gym with you claiming he wants to get into to shape, but he usually just spends the time walking around looking at girls.6.The Know-It-All: This guy thinks he knows everything about working out, he gives tips and advice to other members right out of Steroid Trainers Monthly. This guy usually spends 3-4 hours a day in the gym, and only works out 1 hour of that time. Then geplains that he didnt do enough sets in his last workout so he up his sets to 45 instead of 30.7.The Blabber Mouth: Usually a know-it-all mixed with a Lazy-Friend. This guy talks to everybody about anything at all, what did you do last night, did you see WWE last night, blah, blah, blah. He usually speaks very loudly and usually has conversations from 30-feet away.8.The Juicer: This one will probably upset a few readers but oh well. The Juicer is a gym member who takes steroids. Ive known quite a few, and most of them are decent guys, but some just make a really bad name for the rest. These guys just lose it whenever something doesnt go their way. Steer clear of the Juicers when youre working out, just a safety precaution.9.The BSer: This guy can lie his way out of and into anything. Usually his stories are pretty unbelievable to anybody over the age of 18, but he catches a lot of Teen Gym Members in his mystique. He usually knows a lot of famous people and in some cases was a champion fighter overseas. Either way, talking to this guy should be avoided like the plague. Hell poison your mind with stupidity.10.The Put Some Clothes On Member: This one can be either a guy or a girl. I can understand wanting to look good while at the gym, but females who go into the gym wearing more layers of make-up than layers of clothing should think twice about what a Gym is used for. If youre looking for a date check out, if youre looking for a great workout dont wear your bikini. This can be said for guys as well. Put your shirt on, nobody cares how ripped you are, save that kind of garbage for the bar.11.The Perfume/Cologne Wearer: Oh my god, these people suck, and suck bad. Members who were Perfume/Cologne/Body Spray to the gym should be asked to shower before working out. Youll understand this when youre pressing 850lbs on the leg press and someone walks by wearing so much perfume you start to choke, injuries have happened, and will continue to happen because of this.12.The Hardcore Supplement User: This guy cant workout without some form of supplement powering him through, hell try to get you to buy all the supplements he takes because theyre working so well. You find yourself wondering if he has a deal with the gym where he gets a % for every customer he regemends.13.The Useless Gym Employee: Many gyms have one or two of these, usually High School/College Girls working the front desk hired by the owner. These girls might look good, but heaven forbid you actually hire somebody who knows the difference between a Dumbell Press and a Machine Curl.14.The Cheap Gym Owner: I have one of these in my town, he has a monopoly on the market so Gym memberships are extremely high, he almost never replaces worn out equipment, and it took 3 years to get a new Rope for the Cable Machine. He sells expired supplements for unbelievable prices and has 500ml bottles of water for $2. This is one of the main reasons I quit going to the gym in my town, but I also find the peace and quiet that a home gym offers awesome.
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Thank you,
Randall of Randalls-eBooks (

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